some bits from a really great, thought-provoking article I read today:
"WORSHIP IS [that is, this is the very ESSENCE, the defining nature of worship] ENJOYING THE PRESENCE OF GOD."
"Many Christians, today, do not have the conscious presence of God in their lives."
"The Holy Spirit is to us what the pillar of cloud and of fire were to the children of Israel. The Holy Spirit is God's manifested presence in our lives."
"Many people confess faith in the Lord Jesus, but do not have his presence in their lives; and [consequently,] they do not have the assurance of their salvation."
"Some of the most frightening words in the Bible are found in Exodus 33:1-3 where God gave the children of Israel his Protection, his Provision, and his Promise, but not his PRESENCE...."
"Do not settle for God's protection, his provision, or even the promised land [!] without his presence. When you have the presence of God, you need nothing more; and you should settle for nothing less!"
[note, I do not yet know who the author of this article is ~ but if/when I find, I will add as a comment to this post for future reference.]
Looks like the article is from a sermon outline from a message by Adrian Rogers. I had not heard of him previous to reading this, but after "thumbing through" several of his other sermon outlines, I think I shall have to explore more of his teachings. If interested, you can find a lot of his teachings here: